Membership Categories
Platinum Membership
- Invitation to all KNCCI Nairobi Chapter events free of charge.
- Opportunity to sponsor one of more of our selected Chamber events throughout the year.
- Opportunity to participate in business conferences
- Participation at KNCCI Nairobi Chapter Annual General Meetings (AGMs).
- KNCCI Membership Certificate
- Company logo will feature in KNCCI Nairobi Chapter Newsletter
- Access to capacity-building workshops
- Opportunity to participate in policy making
- Advocacy Services
- Opportunity to negotiate rates for services emanating from KNCCI Nairobi Chapter partnerships
- Discounted rates when advertising in the Nairobi Chamber’s Magazine & Newsletters
- Opportunity to organise events for members to market their products
- Participation in regional and international business delegations
Gold Membership
- Invitation to all KNCCI Nairobi Chapter events free of charge.
- Participation at KNCCI Nairobi Chapter Annual General Meetings (AGMs).
- Access to certificate of origin at discounted rates
- Opportunity to sponsor one of more of our selected Chamber events throughout the year.
- KNCCI Membership Certificate Participation in trade exhibitions and conferences
- Distribution of fliers and brochures on behalf of the members during expos and conferences at a discounted rate
- Access to capacity-building workshops
- Participation in regional and international business delegations
- Discounted rates when advertising in the Nairobi Chamber’s Magazine & Newsletters
Silver Membership
(SMEs/ StartUps)
- Access to finance through our various business partners such us MasterCard & GIZ.
- Invitation to KNCCI Nairobi Chapter events free of charge
- KNCCI Membership Certificate
- Participation in trade exhibitions and conferences
- Professional development through trainings and workshops
- Advocacy Services
- Discounted rates when advertising in the Nairobi Chamber’s Magazine & Newsletters
- Access to certificate of origin at discounted rates
Ksh 17,000 (Joining Fee Kshs 2, 000 + Annual Subscription
Kshs 17,000/ Year
- Invitation to all KNCCI Nairobi Chapter events free of charge.
- Issuance of a membership certificate.
- Access to finance through our various business partners such us MasterCard & GIZ.
- KNCCI Nairobi Chapter provide access to markets.
- Regular updates on KNCCI Nairobi Chapter activities such as seminars, training, capacity-building workshops and exhibitions.
- Opportunity to receive trade inquiries and business leads coming through the chamber portal.
- KNCCI Nairobi Chapter through its business advocacy mandate, plays a critical role in identifying and addressing member issues that may arise from changes in the regulatory framework for the different industries we represent.
- Professional development through trainings and workshops.
- Acquire customer referrals through the chamber where an updated members’ database is maintained.
- Promotion and publicity; with a chamber membership, you can reach potential clients through member exclusive advertising and opportunities for business-to-business advertising and publicity.
- Participation in trade exhibitions and conferences which provide a unique networking platform for both local and foreign participants, exhibitions help in promotion, marketing and publicity efforts of our members.
- Increased business contacts as KNCCI Nairobi Chapter most fundamental mission is to generate more business activity for its members. KNCCI initiates business-to- business trade and networking in addition to developing a connection with local professionals with the Chamber.
- Professional development through trainings and workshops.